Where to Find the HP Printer IP Address

where to find hp printer ip address

Finding the IP address of an HP printer can be crucial when setting up network printing, troubleshooting connectivity issues, or configuring specific settings. This article offers multiple approaches for finding HP printer ip address location and it will definitely help for HP printer.

Method 1: Utilizing the Printer Control Panel

Modern HP printers have control panels that enable users to view their HP printer default IP address. To locate this information, follow these steps:

Restart Your Printer: Double-check that your HP printer has been switched on and connected to your local network before proceeding to step 2.

Use the arrow keys from the control panel of your printer to access its control panel.

Select “IP Address” in Network Settings. Your printer’s IP address should now appear.

Method 2: Print a Network Configuration Page

Another effective way to discover your printer’s IP address is by printing a network configuration sheet. Here’s how:

Locate and open either the Setup or Network Menu on the control panel.

Print Configuration Page – To print the configuration page, choose “Wireless Network Test Report” or “Network Configuration Page”.

The Network Settings section of your printout displays your IP address.

Method 3: HP Smart App 

Utilizing the HP Smart app can also assist in finding your printer’s IP address. Follow these steps.

Download and Install HP Smart. Before beginning installation of HP Smart on either your computer or smartphone, ensure the application is present and running.

Connect the printer: Launch the app, and connect your printer.

View Printer Information: From the list, choose the printer you wish to view, and click on “Printer Information.” You should see an IP address displayed.

In case of any HP printer issue, you can contact the experts.

Method 4: Checking Your Router’s Connected Devices

You can also use the following methods to check how many devices are connected to your router.

Log into your router’s web interface by inputting its IP address into a web browser and then click the “Log In” button.

Search for sections such as “Connected devices”, “Device list” or “DHCP clients”.

Locate Your HP Printer on the List

Method 5: Employ Windows Command Prompt 

Windows users may utilize the command prompt to locate their HP printer’s IP address:

Unlock the Command Prompt by pressing Windows + R and inputting cmd.

Type arp-a and hit Enter to display all devices connected to your network.

Locate your printer on the list. You can identify it by its MAC or hostname and locate its IP address.

Method 6: Check your System Preferences

Launch System Preferences by selecting “System Preferences” in the Apple menu.

Printers & Scanning: Click “Printers & Scanning”.

Select Your HP Printer: Locate your printer on the list to the left.

View IP Address To view the IP address, navigate to “Options and Supplies”, followed by “General”, and then the IP Address will be shown.

Method 7: Leveraging HP Printer Embedded Web Server

HP printers feature an Embedded Web Server which provides detailed information about them including their IP address. How can this server be accessed?

Connect to the printer: Ensure that computer and mobile devices are on the same wireless network as your HP Printer.

Launch a Web Browser. Type in the printer’s  IP address into the address bar; alternatively you can use other methods to obtain its address.

Log into EWS. If prompted to log in, use your credentials.

Navigate to the “Network” (or “Network Settings”) tab within EWS for display of IP addresses prominently.

Method 8: HP Print and Scan Doctor 

HP offers the HP Print and Scan Doctor tool for troubleshooting printing and scanning issues while revealing your printer’s IP address.

Download HP Print and Scan Doctor: Visit the official HP site to download and install this software.

Start the program: Click on your printer in HP Print and Scan Doctor.

View IP Address: This tool offers extensive details regarding a printer, including its IP address.

Troubleshooting Tips

These troubleshooting steps may help solve many common problems associated with finding the IP address of an HP printer:

  1. Verify Network Connection

Network Type: Before connecting your printer and computer to any network you should verify their membership.

Wi-Fi Signal: Check that your printer is within range of the signal from your router. If the signal strength is weak, move closer.

Connect your printer directly to the router using an Ethernet cable.

Check Network Status. Use the printer’s control panel to see if it has access to the internet and IP address.

2.Reboot Devices 

Many connectivity problems can be resolved simply by rebooting your device.

Restart Printer: To restore connectivity, shut your printer off for 30 seconds before turning it on again to reset its connection.

Restart Router: Unplug and wait 30 seconds before reconnecting the router, before checking connectivity issues. Allow it to fully reboot first before testing the connection.

Restart the computer: Rebooting will enable your PC to recognize network devices more accurately.

3.Update Firmware

Firmware upgrades can improve performance and address network issues, improving network speeds and solving potential disruptions.

Update the firmware: Inspect the printer’s control panels regularly for updates to its firmware.

Download Updates. Install any updates available through USB or internet connections.

HP Support: Download and install the most up-to-date software for your printer at HP Support’s site.

4.Review Network Settings

Confirm that your network settings have been configured correctly.

IP Address Conflicts: To avoid IP address conflicts, assign your printer to a static address.

Ensure the DHCP server on your router is configured to assign IP addresses to devices on the network.

Firewall Settings: Adjusting firewall settings so your printer is connected is key to successfully using it.

Turn off guest network or network isolate settings to prevent devices from communicating with one another.

Final Thoughts

IP addresses are essential when troubleshooting and printing on a network. Each method offers reliable ways of acquiring them – whether through the control panel of a printer, printing a network configuration sheet, checking router settings or computer configuration files, etc. Use these tips and steps to set up and manage HP networked printers.

If you need help with the HP printer setup IP address, you can connect with the HP printers customer service team

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Author – Franklin

Franklin is a seasoned content writer with 10 years experience in technology and business content across multiple formats. He leverages his skills in crafting curated content on the printer issues and solution. In his personal time, He enjoys reading article and being up-to-date on trends in technology and business ecosystem.